Configuration Prioritization for Variable Software Systems

Konfigurationsauswahl und -priorisierung mit QAOA

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

The analyses of highly configurable systems yield hard problems due to the exponentially growing number of possible product configurations. This notebook demonstrates how to find configuartions for a feature model with attributed feature costs using a quantum computer. Found configurations should be valid and optimized regarding cost. To do this, in the notebook the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is used. The notebook first describes QAOA in different variants. Different implementations of the phase-separating operator which encodes the problem and the mixing operator are described. After that follows a description of how feature models can be transformed into an Ising model that can then be implemented as a quantum circuit and how to actually apply QAOA to the resulting Ising model. Finally, the scalability of the approach is briefly described.


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